St. 可以买滚球的正规平台战略计划(2022-2027)
As the university writes its next chapter, we find ourselves at a turning point. 变化无处不在. 就业市场正在发生变化. 人口结构正在发生变化. 学生的需求和期望正在发生变化. 敏捷可以买滚球的正规平台 is ready to address these challenges and make bold moves to redefine itself as the leading 天主教学习型大学.
圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台战略计划 敏捷可以买滚球的正规平台 (2022-2027)是一个 路线图 that guides us toward excellence in teaching, research, service to our community. 在这个网页上, you will find an overview of our strategic plan and the planning 过程, as well as detailed information about our 区域 的焦点 and strategic outcomes.
We invite you to explore our strategic plan and learn more about our commitment to providing world-class education and making a positive impact on society.
在圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台, we believe that careful planning and thoughtful execution are critical components of success.
考虑到这一点, we have developed a comprehensive strategic plan and 过程 that outlines our vision for the future and the steps we will take to achieve our goals.
开始理解语境 敏捷可以买滚球的正规平台 制定了战略计划并正在执行, 考虑一下高等教育面临的一些不利因素:
- Z世代的学习者想要更短的时间, 更便宜的, more direct-to-career pathways in high-demand industries (Question the Quo, 2022)
- 68% of adults considering enrolling in education prefer non-degree pathways, 从一年前的50%上升(斯特拉达教育)
- More traditional students want online education and experts predict online students will make up 30% of all college students within five years (Education Dynamics, 2022)
- 39 million adults have some college but no degree or credential. 1.9 million live in Illinois; 655,908 of these adults live in Iowa. (国家学生信息中心,2022年)
- Employers increasingly tout their willingness to "train on the job" with 50% of IBM's US job openings not requiring a college degree. (盖洛普,2022)
This is just a small sample of the issues colleges and universities face. 的 higher education sector is navigating through a period of unprecedented challenges and shifts. 其中最关键的是不断变化的市场预期, 学生和雇主都要求更实用, 灵活的, 以及技术整合的教育体验. Coupled with this is the worrying trend of declining student enrollment, a phenomenon that threatens the sustainability of institutions across the country.
同样紧迫的是不断增加的学生债务负担, casting a long shadow over the value proposition of higher education. This financial strain is reshaping public opinion about higher education, 越来越多的人呼吁问责, 可购性, 以及切实的成果.
此外, the rapid pace of technological change and digital disruption is redefining what it means to learn and teach. 今天的学生, 数字原生代, expect educational experiences that are not only immersive and interactive but also 个人ized and accessible from anywhere.
为了应对这些挑战,圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台 敏捷Amborse strategic plan is crafted to steer the institution toward a future marked by growth, 弹性, 和相关性.
圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台 敏捷可以买滚球的正规平台 战略计划是围绕三个关键组成部分建立的 柱子,战略性的 过程, 区域 的焦点. All three components work together to create a framework for achieving the goals and objectives of an 敏捷可以买滚球的正规平台.
的 strategic plan is driven by a commitment to the four 柱子 of the cross. 每根柱子都代表着我们的根基.
- 教职员工和学生参与轴 - A flourishing faculty and staff are central to strong student engagement.
- 信仰、传统和创新轴心 - 可以买滚球的正规平台 balances its faith tradition rooted in the Catholic Intellectual Tradition and Catholic Social Teaching with a spirit of innovation that has driven the university to serve learners across their lifespan while recognizing that to be a learner-centric university, we must model agile and evolutionary efforts to meet learners in new spaces with new models and new pedagogies.
实现我们的愿景, 我们必须不断带来可持续性(清晰度), 焦点, 以及我们战略的增长.
- 可持续发展, What problem are we trying to solve or where are we trying to go? 我们需要建设什么样的基础设施才能到达那里?
- 焦点 我们可以测试一下这个解决方案,看看它是否有效吗?
- 增长, 我们能扩大规模以达到预期目标吗? 我们怎么去那儿?
- 转换- - - - - - St怎么样了?. 可以买滚球的正规平台被改变了一个数量级?
在应用规划框架时 敏捷可以买滚球的正规平台 strategic plan contains four 区域 的焦点 under the following banners, each with several strategic initiatives: 可持续发展的基础, 重新学习, 学生蓬勃发展, 战略增长.
St. 可以买滚球的正规平台 is firmly committed to a future where our community thrives, 坚实的有坚实基础的. 我们的战略计划把 可持续发展的基础 重点领域 at its core, highlighting our dedication to building a strong and adaptable organization. Initiatives in this 重点领域 are designed to not only address the immediate needs of our community but also to foresee and prepare for future demands. 通过专注于扩大我们人民的能力, 不断改进我们的政策和程序, 增强我们的物质和技术资源, we are paving the way for a future of sustainable development and achievement at St. 可以买滚球的正规平台.
的 新概念学习 重点领域 is a bold endeavor to redefine our position as a leader in Catholic, learner-centered education. 着眼于学术界的未来, this forward-thinking 重点领域 contains multiple initiatives to redesign the student's educational experience, setting a new standard for how education is delivered and received. 这些举措不仅将使圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台学生未来的挑战, 却能让他们成为未来世界的建筑师.
新概念学习 underscores our dedication to providing a holistic education that fosters critical thinking, 伦理决策, 以及对知识的追求, 都在我们天主教价值观的框架内. 这是关于创造一个充满活力的, innovative learning environment where students are prepared to lead, 创新, 并在瞬息万变的全球环境中脱颖而出.
在圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台,我们的 学生蓬勃发展 重点领域 不仅仅是说说而已——这是一种承诺吗, a promise we make to every student who chooses to join our community. 作为一个以学习者为中心的机构, we are deeply devoted to creating an environment that nurtures our students' academic, 个人, 专业成长. 我们在 学生蓬勃发展 banner are carefully designed to ensure that success for our students is not just a possibility but a certainty.
的 战略发展 横幅包含旨在引导圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台 into the future through innovation, transformation, sustainable development. 随着大学的发展和更新, this 重点领域 has several initiatives designed to ensure that we both honor our tradition while leaning into a future of possibility.
的re are five key strategic goals and outcomes of this strategic plan to be achieved by 2027.
- 招生 = 3000名学生
- 市场份额 = 12%
- 新的伙伴关系 = 35
- 营业收入 = $72.500万年
- 慈善捐赠 = 5000万美元